Release 1.5 includes many enhancements to the HYPERTXT and WAVEPLAY components. Some of the enhancements include: - Properties that allow you to change the lines and hyperwords at run time. LinesLists is a TStringList of file names that contain the text. Whenever you change LinesListsIndex property the corresponding file is loaded in Lines property. - Properties that allow you to change the Words list. WordsLists is a TStringList of file names that contain the description of each hot word. Whenever you change the WordsListsIndex property the cooresponding file is loaded in the Words property. Don't foreget to save the words list in the Words property editor by right-click menu. - Added Lines to the action list of HyperTxt component. So when you click on a word it would load another text file. - Open access to the build in Word object. Now you can add, change and delete words with their action and action definition. - Increased the Word size to 128 characters. - Added the ability to change the colors and font of the message shown when the Description action of a hyperword is used. The change is made in Component Default Settings expert. - Added ShowError property to the WAVEPLAY component. If you switched it on a message will show if there was an error in playing the wave file. FINAL NOTE: Please read the Help file for some Pre-Caution due to the update to the HyperTxt component.